I sent her to your dreams badman.
It's not your imagination.
Dreams are Fun
Let The Tempest Come.
AFTER the torchlight red on sweaty faces | |
After the frosty silence in the gardens | |
After the agony in stony places | |
The shouting and the crying | 325 |
Prison and place and reverberation | |
Of thunder of spring over distant mountains | |
He who was living is now dead | |
We who were living are now dying | |
With a little patience | 330 |
Here is no water but only rock | |
Rock and no water and the sandy road | |
The road winding above among the mountains | |
Which are mountains of rock without water | |
If there were water we should stop and drink | 335 |
Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think | |
Sweat is dry and feet are in the sand | |
If there were only water amongst the rock | |
Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit | |
Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit | 340 |
There is not even silence in the mountains | |
But dry sterile thunder without rain | |
There is not even solitude in the mountains | |
But red sullen faces sneer and snarl | |
From doors of mudcracked houses If there were water | 345 |
And no rock | |
If there were rock | |
And also water | |
And water | |
A spring | 350 |
A pool among the rock | |
If there were the sound of water only | |
Not the cicada | |
And dry grass singing | |
But sound of water over a rock | 355 |
Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees | |
Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop | |
But there is no water | |