Friday, May 4, 2012

The First Time Shouldn't Taste Like blood.

I Have Him.
I Have For A While Now.
He Still Doesn't Know What Love Is.

That Tall Man Is Sly.

Nice Try Wolfie.

Maybe After I'm done WITH him i'll take him to the proper authorities.



  1. Was wondering where the hell you've been. How are all of your friends?

    1. What the fuck, Raggedy. What the fuck. Just.. stop being so ignorant. Please.

    2. Hehe. Hi Raggedyman. My friends are just swell thanks.

    3. How am I being ignorant Amy, Penelope and her friends intrigue me and well it is natural for someone to ask how someone is when they have been gone for a little over 6 months. It is only fair to ask how they are doing.

  2. What are your plans for him, Penelope?

    1. Hi Amy. I'm not exactly sure yet. But I can tell you this. He bleeds just like the rest of us. Oh how he bleeds. Tall Man just stood in the corner watching me do terrible things to bad man. Bad man didn't react much to the pain. He just looked at the tall man. Spit in his face.

      I got a new kitty today!

  3. He is so very sly indeed...

    So Sunshine isn't dead... What will you do now sweet Penelope?

    What will you do after?

    1. Stupid Wolf.

      Wolf goes after girl, girl stumps wolf, hunter kills wolf.

      I will do with him as I please. I'm trying to make him suffer but he doesn't react to normal methods of pain. It's like he just shuts his pain off.

      Bad Man will fall.

    2. That's one version of the story we know so well

      Poor thing, it must be awful going to the trouble of orchestrating such a grand revenge only to realize you can't even hurt him the way you wanted

  4. This is Fell, not the Wolf

    I want to know what happened to my sister. Is she dead?

    1. You're sister isn't a good person. She sold bad man out for 500 dollars. Bad man didn't see it coming. He should really re-think who he allows to get close to him. Silly bad man. Last I saw of the witch you call a sister. She was on Navy Pier. Tall Man was close behind.
      Bad man is bad. but only a man. Tall man is something completely different and her betrayal has caught his attention. Tall man and my friends can make pain happen that you cannot even imagine fell. Not good.

    2. I know.
      The Wolf and "Bad man" or "Sunshine" or whatever the fucker is called, told me that.

      Sam made her bed and I made mine

      I just wanted to know what happened to her so uh thanks

      - Fell
